德国Paul Werner博尔·威纳钢琴品牌大事记

  • Paul Werner带着卓越的造琴技艺与自己对现代钢琴的透彻理解回到德国打理家族工厂。Paul Werner back to family factory with his excellent piano building technical knowledge.
  • 公司正式更名为“Paul Werner”Company name officially change to “Paul Werner”
  • Paul Werner将公司连同“贵族钢琴匠师”的称号传承给独子Otto Franz Werner。Paul Werner transfer his title “Herzoglich Anhaltischer Hofpianofabrikant” To his son Otto Franz Werner.
  • Junior Werner对立式钢琴的铁板进行了伟大的改善,大大提高了稳定性,至今仍在运用。家族工厂受经济危机影响关闭。Junior did the great improvement on the upright iron plate which is more steady and still widely in nowadays. Family factory closed because of the economic crisis.
  • 二战爆发,Kurt Werner被征召入伍。后家族工厂被战火摧毁。Kurt Werner went to the army because of the world war two. Then the factory was destroyed in the war.
  • Piano Werner公司搬迁到旅游胜地Straubing,并在市中心设立了钢琴展厅。Piano Werner company move to Straubing, and set up the show room in the city center.
  • Siegfried Werner在Deggendorf建立钢琴和大键琴研发基地,还扩建了施特劳宾的钢琴展厅。Siegfried Werner set up the piano and harpsichord research center and expand the piano show room in Straugbing.
  • Piano Werner公司的钢琴研究中心和办公室进一步扩建以满足发展需要。Piano Werner company expand the research center and the office.
  • Zerbst皇家合唱团指挥家、德国贵族Carl Werner先生在Dresden创办了家族钢琴工厂。Carl Werner purchase a piano factory in Dresden to set up a family piano factory.
  • Werner钢琴在Dresden市中心的Sophien街2号建立了办公室与和钢琴展厅。Paul Werner set up an office and piano show room at the Sophienstr. 2 in the center of Dresden.
  • Paul Werner被授予“贵族钢琴匠师”称号Herzoglich Anhaltischer Hofpiano fabrikant)。Paul Werner awarded the title “Herzoglich Anhaltischer Hofpiano fabrikant”
  • 位于英国伦敦大马尔伯勒街54号的Paul Werner钢琴伦敦展厅开业。Paul Werner去世。The London show room located in W54, Great Marlborough street Opend, Paul Werner passed away.
  • Kurt Werner在Riesengebirge的Bad Warmbrunn重建家族钢琴工厂。Kurt Werner reset up the family factory in Bad Warmbrunn of Riesengebirge.
  • Kurt Werner在西德慕尼黑近郊的Mainberg重建家族工厂取名Piano Werner。Kurt Werner reset the family factory again at Mainberg, near Munich. Named Piano Werner.
  • Siegfried Werner创立了以销售钢琴为主的综合性乐器公司“Music Station”,后成为德国最大、最知名的乐器公司。Siegfried Werner set up a musical instrument shopping mall which main business still sell pianos. Called “Music Station”which is becomes on the most biggest and famous musical instrument shopping mall in Germany.
  • 位于Aiterhofen的新生产车间和Music Station乐器公司投入使用。The new workshop and musical instrument shopping mall were opened in Aiterhofen.
  • Paul Werner钢琴进入中国,与德国市场同步销售。Paul Werner comes to China and the models launched simultaneously in Germany.