


19世纪是欧洲钢琴制造业的黄金期,先后诞生了15000多个钢琴品牌,但延续至今的寥寥无几,而诞生于当时的Paul Werner钢琴至今仍在德国畅销不衰。


1816年, Zerbst皇家合唱团指挥家、Anhalt地区最高统领、德国贵族Carl Werner先生在Dresden收购了一家钢琴工厂作为家族主要产业,Paul Werner钢琴的传承历史正始于此。Carl Werner先生的次子Paul Werner对乐器制作兴趣非常浓厚,他先后在Leipzig、Kassel、Munich以及欧洲南部钢琴制造圣地Vienna学习造琴技艺。谦卑、刻苦与聪慧使博尔·威纳凭借高超的技艺得到了诸多造琴名师的高度青睐, Bosendorfer力邀他协助完成所有钢琴的出厂精调,但Paul Werner还是在1857年回到德国打理家族钢琴厂。他在欧洲钢琴制造界率先引入了铁板,使音色通透、稳定,并以严苛的态度对钢琴出厂前的每一道工序进行严格检查,保证钢琴的高品质。Paul Werner的后人Junior Werner还对立式钢琴的铁板进行了改善,大大提高了铁板的稳定性。这是一项伟大的成就,直至今日,这种立式钢琴铁板仍然被广泛的运用着。


优异的钢琴品质使Paul Werner生产的钢琴得到演奏者的高度认可,1880年,Paul Werner在Dresden市中心的Sophien街2号建立了办公室与钢琴展厅。当时著名作曲家Richard Wagner(理查德·瓦格纳), Rachmaninov(拉赫曼尼诺夫)等都住在Dresden,他们时常到Paul Werner的钢琴展厅中现场演奏。


1892年,Paul Werner钢琴由于其出色的品质成为当时的行业标杆,Paul Werner本人被授予“贵族钢琴匠师”称号(Herzoglich Anhaltischer Hofpiano fabrikant),意为“专为德国贵族制作钢琴的造琴大师”。Paul Werner将家族徽记印在了每一台钢琴的铁板上,寓意世代潜心造琴、家族生生不息。




19th Century is the gold time for piano manufacturing in Europe. There’re about 15000 piano brands were born in that time. But only few remained till now. Paul Werner is one the few brands which still remained and good sold in Germany.


1816, Carl Werner—The noble, the cantor at the Holy Abby Zerbst, the director of the Anhalt purchase a piano factory in Dresden as main industry of the family. The inheriting of the Paul Werner piano started from here. Paul Werner-second son of Carl Werner had the strong interest on musical instrument making. He studied how to make the piano in system in Leipzig, Kassel, Munich and Vienna. Humility, hard working and intelligence makes Paul Werner becomes the piano master. Bosendorfer once invited him help to finish the last regulation and tunning in the factory. But Paul Werner still goes back to his family factory in 1857 to run the company. He is one of the first to use the iron plate in the piano making in Europe which make the sound more steady. Except this, he set up the quality control system in every process to secure the piano’s high quality. His descendant, Junior Werner improves the upright piano iron plate. This is a great success which is still widely used in nowadays upright pianos.


The excellent quality makes Paul Werner have good reputation among the players. In 1880, Paul Werner set up an office and piano show room at the Sophien str. 2 in the center of Dresden.

1892,Because of the excellent quality, Paul Werner piano treated as the leading standard in the piano business While Paul Werner got the title of “Herzoglich Anhaltischer Hofpianofabrikant”. And Paul Werner put his family emblem in eah pianos iron plate. Means each generation makes the excellent piano and family goes on for ever.


After 6 generation inheriting, Werner company has very steady sales net and good public praise in Germany. The family set up the piano making and piano research center in Straubing which is occupied about 20,000 square meters. Each generation of Werner family insist on the trenchant craftsmanship spirit to produce the high quality man made piano. They believe each piano bears the soul which is given by the piano maker. And the good player can wake the piano soul and comes out the excellent sound.